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Installation View. Attese-Ceramics in Contemporary Art, Albisola Museum of Ceramics, Albisola, Italy

12 vases

Installation View. Attese-Ceramics in Contemporary Art, Albisola Museum of Ceramics, Albisola, Italy

Translated Vases Albisola (video)

Translated Vases Albisola (2001)


I found a poem praising Joseon Baekja, traditional Korean white porcelain, written by the Korean Poet Kim Sangok in 1946. I gave this poem to a local potter named Anna Maria, and asked her to craft 12 pieces of ceramic in the style of 18 Century Korean white porcelains, based on her own imagination from the poem. In this fashion, Joseon Baekja was translated into 12 vases.


번역된 도자기 알비솔라 (2001)


나는 김상옥 시인이 1946년 조선 백자를 칭송하며 썼다는 시를 발견한 후, 이 시를 이탈리아의 알비솔라에 거주하는 안나 마리아라는 도예가에게 전달했다. 그런 다음, 이 시를 읽고 떠오르는 이미지를 바탕으로 18세기 조선 백자 스타일의 도자기 12개를 제작해 달라고 부탁했고, 이과정을 통해 조선백자는 안나 마리아의 12개의 도자기로 번역되었다.


Installation View

Attese-Ceramics in Contemporary Art, Albisola Museum of Ceramics, Albisola, Italy, 2001


Translated Vase Albisola 

12 vases


Ceramic, silk, flower

Courtesy of the artist



Exhibition History

Artist Archive, Constellation Gemini, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea, 2012

Breeding Drawing, Gallery SSamzie, Seoul, Korea, 2005

Attese-Ceramics in Contemporary Art, Albisola Museum of Ceramics, Albisola, Italy, 2001


12 vases



Installation View



Translated Vases Albisola (video)


Exhibition History

Artist Archive, Constellation Gemini, Korea Artist Prize, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea, 2011

Breeding Drawing, Gallery SSamzie, Seoul, Korea, 2005

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