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Installation View. When I Become You, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea, 2015

Installation View. When I Become You, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea, 2015

Installation View. When I Become You, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea, 2015

Installation View. Saint Breeders, Atelier Hermès, Seoul, Korea, 2015

All Asleep_ Princess Bari

All Asleep_ White Tara

All Asleep_ Xiwangmu

All Asleep_ Xiwangmu (detail)

All Asleep_Pieta

All Asleep_Pieta (detail)

All Asleep (2015)


All Asleep is a 3D printed sculpture constructed in a 3D modeling program.  

I have positioned the same figures from the Polaris series (2012) sleeping to show inner peace.


모두 잠든 (2015)


<모두 잠든>은 3D 프린터로 제작한 조각 작품으로,  2012년 제작했던 <북극성 시리즈>의 주인공들을 다시 등장시켜 그들이 잠든 모습을 통해 내면의 평화를 표현한 작품이다.








Installation View

When I Become You, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea, 2015


All Asleep


3D Print

Dimension variable

Courtesy of the artist

Photo: Keith Park ⓒYeesookyung

3D modeling: Kim Jaehwan

3D printing: Creativefactory


Exhibition History

When I Become You, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea, 2015

When I Become You, Yeesookyung in Taipei, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taiwan, 2015


Installation View

Courtesy of the artist

Photo: Keith Park ⓒYeesookyung


Installation View

Courtesy of the artist

Photo: Keith Park ⓒYeesookyung


Installation View

Saint Breeders, Atelier Hermès, Seoul, Korea, 2015

Photo: Kiyong Nam ⓒFondation d'entreprise Hermès


All Asleep: Princess Bari, Xiwangmu and Tara


The All Asleep series (2015- ) is a work created through 3D modeling and 3D printing with pairs of female figures positioned as if reflected in a mirror. In this work, females from Asian mythology let go of their burdens in sleep. They are “Princess Bari”, “Xiwangmu,” and “Tara.” “Princess Bari” is the ancestor of Korean shamans, a character from folklore passed down from the area of Gwanbuk. “Xiwangmu,” is a goddess of life capable of immortality and eternal life to overcome death, while supervising death as she lives in Kunlun Mountain on the western tip of China. “Tara” is the incarnation of tears shed by the Goddess of Mercy, who either guards followers of faith (Green Tara) or supervises the life extension of the commoners (White Tara).


모두 잠든: 바리 공주, 서왕모, 타라


<모두 잠든>시리즈는 (2015- 현재 진행 중) 3D 모델링과 3D 프린팅을 이용해, 작품에서 짝을 이룬 여성들이 마치 거울에 반사된 모습처럼 서로 대칭을 이루도록 제작 되었다. 이 작품의 주인공들인 바리 공주와 서왕모, 타라는 동양의 전통 설화에 등장하는 여성들로, 이들은 잠든 동안 자신들이 짊어진 짐들로부터 벗어난 모습을 하고 있다. 바리 공주는 한국 무당의 시조라고 할 수 있는 인물로 관북 지방의 설화에 등장하는 여성이다. 서왕무는 중국의 서쪽 끝에 위치한 쿤룬산에 살면서 죽은이들을 관장하는 생명의 여신으로, 죽음을 뛰어넘는 영생과 불멸을 가능하게 하는 능력을 가지고 있다고 알려져 있다. 타라는 자비의 여신이 흘린 눈물에서 태어난 여신들을 통틀어 지칭하는 이름으로, 믿음을 가진 사람들을 보호하는 록타라와 평범한 이들의 수명 연장을 관리하는 백타라 등이 있다.


Installation View

Saint Breeders, Atelier Hermès, Seoul, Korea, 2015

Photo: Kiyong Nam ⓒFondation d'entreprise Hermès


All Asleep_ Princess Bari


3D Print

20x50x21cm (each)

Courtesy of the artist

Photo: Kiyong Nam ⓒFondation d'entreprise Hermès

3D modeling: Kim Jaehwan

3D printing: gluck


Exhibition History

Saint Breeders, Atelier Hermès, Seoul, Korea, 2015


All Asleep_ White Tara


3D Print

20x50x38cm (each)

Courtesy of the artist

Photo: Kiyong Nam ⓒFondation d'entreprise Hermès

3D modeling: Kim Jaehwan

3D printing: gluck


Exhibition History

Saint Breeders, Atelier Hermès, Seoul, Korea, 2015


All Asleep_ Xiwangmu


3D Print

22x50x26cm (each)

Courtesy of the artist

Photo: Kiyong Nam ⓒFondation d'entreprise Hermès

3D modeling: Kim Jaehwan

3D printing: gluck


Exhibition History

Saint Breeders, Atelier Hermès, Seoul, Korea, 2015


All Asleep_ Xiwangmu (detail)


All Asleep: Pieta

In 2010, I drew a mother wearing the mask of Virgin Mary and a daughter wearing that of Jesus (Daily Drawing 101027). This sculpture is a 3D manifestation of this drawing.



3D print


Courtesy of the artist

Photo: Kiyong Nam ⓒFondation d'entreprise Hermès

3D modeling: Kim Jaehwan

3D printing: gluck


Exhibition History

Daint Breeders, Atelier Hermès, Seoul, Korea, 2015


All Asleep_Pieta (detail)

Photo: Kwack Gongshin ⓒYeesookyung



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